love over gold

Deptford’s famous 'Love Over Gold' mural was painted by Daisy’s mum, Ruth Priestly, and muralist Gary Drostle in 1989.

Members of the 80's rock band Dire Straits lived in the estate opposite and named their 1982 album after graffiti on the wall which read 'Love Over Gold'. When the local council removed the graffiti there was an outcry and Dire Straits donated towards putting a mural in its place. Developed with local primary schools, the mural depicted children musings on their environment, while commenting on the gap between rich and poor.

The wall has recently been demolished and so we are raising funds to recreate the mural, bringing new meaning to “Love Over Gold” in a new location. Income inequality has only increased since the mural was first painted in 1989, and we feel the words 'Love Over Gold' are more relevant now than ever. Help us recreate a new modern Love Over Gold mural.

visit our fundraiser here!

Daisy and filmmaker Sasha Denny made the top 8 in the Straight 8 filmmaking competition in 2023 with their short film about the wall. The film premiered at Festival de Cannes 2023 before screening at BFI Southbank and the Prince Charles Cinema. It was also awarded Official Selection at the Berlin Commercial Awards 2023.

Watch the film here!